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The trial close is like a test to see the level of ownership a client has taken. This is near the end of the demonstration and gives you an idea of what they are thinking about with your product or service. You can than adjust your presentation here to actually make the sale. The trial close is an attempt to start closing the sale before you enter the closing step. Basically, you’re taking their temperature.

Trial closes are valuable and low risk. A trial close asks for an opinion while a close asks for a decision. Your trial close is a measurement, not a commitment. You measure where they are at. It’s the best diagnostic tool you have. It could be something like, “Sir, on the scale of 1-10, how would you rate your new phone?

Related: 5 Invaluable Sales Tips From a Former Door-to-Door Salesman

Here are some trial closes you can use: Hey, it looks like you really like this, is that true?  If you took this home would you be proud to own this? Do you prefer the larger or smaller version? How would this look in your home?

These trial closes are assumption closes. It’s like a recipe and you are checking to see if the oven is hot enough. Is the water boiling yet? Do you have mental ownership? The trial close is indirect. Use it after you’ve done a strong pitch with your features, advantages, and benefits.

What do you want your new “thing” to do, that your last “thing” doesn’t do?

You can start trial closing even in the product selection. You can ask trial closes throughout your demonstration. Don’t wait until the end. I knew a guy who would wait until after a 35-minute product demonstration before asking any trial closes. I told him, “you need to be asking people every six to eight minutes.”

Related: Closing the Deal: 6 Savvy Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets

Keep checking their temperature.

Be ready to get some reactions to trial closes. People will tell you that you’re moving too fast. “Slow down! I told you I’m not buying today.” You want to start getting these objections because you are moving them down the path of the sales process.

Remember that customers don’t just buy products. Whether they are buying a computer or a car, people wonder who’s going to take care of them. Who’s going to service them and back them? People look around at your company and are asking themselves if the staff is friendly and reliable. Whatever you’re selling, sell the rest of the assets. Your buyer must have confidence in you and your company. Make them feel like family and make efficient use of people’s time. Buyers want to know that somebody will be there for them tomorrow. Introduce them to other departments. Introduce them to management.

Once you get hit with objections in trial closes, you need to know how to answer them. Here are some of my favorites:

“I’m not buying today.” Your Response: “Sir, that would be my fault, not yours."

“We’re not buying until…” Your Response: “No problem, let me give you some idea of cost when you are ready.”

 “I need my wife, I need the CEO, I need my husband…” Your Response: “I appreciate that, and I would want that as well. I want that person involved, follow me."

Related: 5 Simple Steps to the Best Sales Presentation of Your Life

“I don’t have time…” Your Response: “Sir, I understand you don’t have time, and time is valuable to you. I knew when you got here that you were short on time. Let’s get you some figures that you can live with so you can avoid spending any more of your time doing this.”

There are many more objections you’ll face trial closing and many, many more objections when you actually try and close. Get on Mastering Objections University to become a sales master and close deals down.


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- #Entrepreneur #Run_Grow

Author - Vikash Kumar

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