5 Steps to Becoming a More Passionate, Dedicated Entrepreneur - JPKee.com


I've heard time and time again that anyone can become an entrepreneur. For the most part, I find this to be true. At any given time, at least one person I know is trying to start a business. Some of these individuals find success, but others find that entrepreneurship a long and trying road that ends in failure.

Why do I bring this up in a post about becoming a more passionate, dedicated entrepreneur, though? Well, although anyone can "do" entrepreneurship, not everyone can do it well. To really succeed as an entrepreneur, you'll need to work harder for your venture than you've ever worked in your life.

Recently, I spoke with Jon Read about how he found success as an entrepreneur. A few years ago, Read lived through a profound experience -- a motorcycle crash. After this life-changing event, he had to overcome huge obstacles, and the course of his life changed completely. When he was finally recovered from the crash, he did something he never saw coming . . . he started a company in the medical field.

Read was by no means a medical person, but when he was injured, he found a need in the medical field that he wanted to address. So, he started Keet Health, an all-in-one tool that improves the physician-patient experience.

Today, you can find him putting in 18-hour days and skipping meals (not recommended) to grow his company. According to Read, "Passion is curated from experience. My experience lit a fire in me to want to change the recovery experience for others. You can turn any passion into an impactful project . . . it just takes a little bit of work."

The "work" Read refers to can actually be broken down into five steps that I want to share with you. These steps are some keys to unlocking the crazy passion many entrepreneurs exhibit.

If you want to start or grow your own business but currently lack this kind of dedication, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find five concrete steps you can take to become a more passionate, dedicated entrepreneur.

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1. Change your perspective

Your working life is comprised of about 80,000 hours. This is a huge chunk of time with unlimited possibilities, but interestingly enough, there's one common type of advice -- follow your passion.

On the surface, this sounds like sage advice. As you dig a bit further into it, though, it can begin to unravel. What if you don't know what you're passionate about? What if you think you're passionate about something, but others seem to have more passion for the same thing? As it turns out, this common convention doesn't always make sense.

So, instead of focusing on passion, focus on how you can be meaningful. Try to find something that has more impact than financial ROI. Of course, you can still lead a career in entrepreneurship that's extremely lucrative, but your first goal should still be meaningful work. To grow your passion, remind yourself that you're contributing to the solution for a pressing problem every day.

2. Don't overcomplicate things

When you align with something meaningful, worry might start to set in. Starting and running your own company is bound to make you feel inadequate at times, but this shouldn't hold you back. Regardless of your experience, just get started. The sooner you get going on your new passion, the faster you'll learn more and begin to come an expert in the field.

As you begin to work with your passion, doubt will inevitably sneak in. You might find yourself caught up in the fact that you don't know if you'll be able to see the problem through, but try not to get lost in this thought. Instead, break your work into smaller, more manageable chunks. Focus on daily small steps that move you forward. Before long, you won't be over-complicating things, but effectively tackling every task as it arises.

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3. Embrace being new.

It's often hard for people to hear that they're wrong or that they misunderstand something. Being a novice is not easy, but if you can learn to accept that you are a beginner, you'll open yourself up to a world of possibility.

When you accept your blank slate, you'll be able to learn more about your field. A big part of becoming passionate is learning. Remember, as a beginner, you're in a great position to develop a deep interest and love for your venture.

4. Cope with failure.

Signing onto a project where failure is nearly guaranteed seems ridiculous, but countless entrepreneurs do it every day. Although your life has probably been built around avoiding failure, you'll need to embrace it to become a more passionate and dedicated entrepreneur.

The individuals thriving as entrepreneurs view failure as a normal and acceptable occurrence. When they fail, they figure out what went wrong and then they move on. Persevering over little mistakes and issues is toxic in entrepreneurship. Luckily, anyone can learn how to view failure as a challenge.

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5. Give yourself space.

When all is said and done, you want your venture to complement you, not complete you. Some people allow their passion to become a part of who they are, which can stifle growth. To really succeed, you'll need to keep a bit of autonomy so you can make rational, objective business decisions that draw you closer to your goals.

To ensure that your passion does not overrun who you are, ask yourself this question every year: "Would an outsider associate my venture with me, or would they say that I am my venture?" 


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Author - Vikash Kumar

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